About 2Tees
t-shirts. This
online t-shirt store features a unique assortment of funny, cute, cool,
retro, rude, and just plain ridiculous graphic teeshirts &
apparel. 2 Tees sells funny t-shirts and offensive t-shirts for men and
women and has
been supplying naked people, ex-presidents, students, geeks, dogs,
children, babies and adults with a unique range or humorous and
t-shirts and clothing for years. We have many years
experience selling
funny t-shirts & clothing online, and decades of experience
wearing t-shirts!
Some cool facts about 2Tees.com:
- 2Tees website was launched in 2006.
- George Bush once ordered some funny boxer shorts from us.
- Specialty clothing boutiques sometimes buy our merchandise for their retail stores.
- There
are over 100 different t-shirts available on this site, many of our
designs are available exclusively from here and are not available on
other t-shirt sites.
- Website was re-designed in 2009.
- Customer service is operated by real live humans!
- We regularly ship to people all around the world with very affordable shipping rates, see below.
Many of our older t-shirt designs are now retired and no longer listed on this website, but will remain
available for ordering via the cafe press storefront. We now have about 100
different designs featured on this website. New t-shirts are added periodically, so check back
Shipping and Payment Information
Flat Rate Shipping: $5 for first item, 1 - 5 items ship for $5 total. (Delivered within about 1 week after shipping date).
2 Day Shipping: $13 for first item plus add $1.35 for each additional item. (Delivered within 2 "business days" from shipping date).
Rush Delivery: $20 for first item plus add $2.25 for each additional item. (Delivered within 1 "business day" after shipping date).
Canada: $6 for first item plus $3 for each additional item. (Delivered in around 6-10 "business days" after shipping date).
All Other Countries: $7 for first item plus $4 for each additional item. (Delivered in around 6-10 "business days" after shipping date).
See the link below for more shipping information and international shipping rates.
Shipping rates last updated June 2010. Shipping Information
We accept payments from most major credit cards or debit/check cards: Payment Information